
シンクサイト株式会社(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役:勝田 和一郎)は、医薬品および診断ツールを扱う企業に向けた、新たな提携プログラムを開始しました。このプログラムは、ライフサイエンス分野において人工知能(AI)ベースのアプローチから新規治療法の研究開発を加速させることを目的としています。このプログラムは、疾患プロファイリング・バイオファーマ・AIといった三つの戦略的プラットフォームから構成され、それぞれの業界パートナーとの協業を強化し、共同研究などを通してヘルスケアにおける新たな知見の蓄積を企図しております。 疾患プロファイリング・プラットフォーム:リキッドバイオプシーの中でも、疾患マーカーの測定/治療モニタリング/治療反応性の予測/微小残存病変モニタリングなどの評価ツールを、パートナー企業と共同開発する機会を提案します。 バイオファーマ・プラットフォーム:例えば、細胞治療の開発プロセスにおいて細胞に人工的な修飾を施さない手法を導入する/CRISPRシステムを用いたゲノムワイドの標的分子探索を目的とした、ハイコンテントな表現型スクリーニングアッセイを構築する/細胞形態のプロファイリングを基に、最適な細胞株を効率的に選抜する、など各製薬企業のニーズに応じた協業を志向しております。 AIプラットフォーム:病態細胞の形態や機能および遺伝子情報と臨床情報を結びつける「オミックス」解析の取り組みを拡大し、より網羅性の高い創薬ターゲット探索を目指す医療機関との共同研究を志向しております。   ■ 本リリースに関するコメント シンクサイト 最高事業責任者(CBO) Janette Phi ヘルスケアにおける進歩や新たな発見の可能性を最大限に高めるには、柔軟な思考で革新的技術を取り入れていくことが必要です。当社の新しい提携プログラムは、AIベースの新規アプローチによって自身の研究ポテンシャルを高めたいと考えるグループにとって、当社の技術をより利用しやすくなるよう設計されております。   ■ シンクサイト株式会社 シンクサイトは、東京大学及び大阪大学で生まれた先端技術を元に、ライフサイエンス及び医療の発展と革新を目指すスタートアップ企業です。先端イメージング、機械学習、マイクロ流体等の異分野技術を組み合わせて、次世代型のイメージ認識型高速セルソーティング技術を開発しています。この基盤技術を用いることで、新しい再生・細胞医薬や医療検査診断、創薬を実現させ、革新的な治療や診断に貢献することを目指しています。2019年6月には、経済産業省よりJ-Startupの1社に認定されています。詳しくは、シンクサイトのウェブサイト(をご覧ください。   ■ 会社概要 社 名  シンクサイト株式会社 ThinkCyte K.K. 所在地  東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 代表取締役 勝田 和一郎 設 立  2016年2月


神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院の髙橋政代 研究センター顧問、万代道子 研究センター長、岩間康哲 研究員、東京大学先端科学技術研究センターの太田禎生 准教授、シンクサイト株式会社の能丸寛子 主任研究員らの共同研究グループによる論文が、本年1月4日号のStem Cell Reportsに掲載されました。なお、本共同研究は、理化学研究所の網膜再生医療研究開発プロジェクトでスタートし、神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院に引き継ぎ、進められてきました。 本共同研究では、シンクサイトの細胞形態情報に基づくAI駆動型ラベルフリーソーティング(ゴーストサイトメトリー®)技術を搭載した研究段階の装置を用いて、ヒトES/iPS細胞から作製した網膜オルガノイドにおける網膜前駆細胞(RPC)集団の純度を、ラベルフリーで高めるための技術開発を進めてまいりました。 本報ではまず、網膜前駆細胞のマーカー遺伝子の発現により蛍光を発するES細胞由来のRPCを用いて、蛍光分子の発現を正解ラベルとして、細胞形態情報から機械学習モデルを作成しました。次に、その学習モデルを用いて、iPS細胞由来網膜オルガノイドからRPCをラベルフリーソーティングすることでRPCの純度が向上し、移植に十分な大きさの網膜スフェロイドが作製されました。さらに、iPS細胞由来網膜スフェロイドの一部を網膜変性症モデルラットに移植すると、その移植片から正常な視細胞が成熟しました。以上の結果から、特定の細胞表面抗原を持たないRPCに対し、ゴーストサイトメトリー®技術を用いて、人工的な細胞ラベルを施さずにソーティングできることが示されました。 シンクサイトのゴーストサイトメトリー®技術は、網膜変性疾患における移植用細胞の製造並びに移植前検査プロセスを改善し、治療成績に優れた移植用細胞の開発に貢献できるものと期待されます。   ■ 共同研究グループ 岩間 康哲 神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院 研究センター 研究員 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 脳神経感覚器外科学(眼科学) 大学院学生 (理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター 網膜再生医療研究開発プロジェクト (研究開始時) / BZP眼科領域遺伝子細胞治療研究チーム (現在)) 能丸 寛子 シンクサイト株式会社 応用研究部 主任研究員 増田 智浩 神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院 研究センター 研究員 (理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター 網膜再生医療研究開発プロジェクト (研究開始時) / BZP眼科領域遺伝子細胞治療研究チーム (現在)) 河村 踊子 シンクサイト株式会社 応用研究部 応用マイクロ流体グループ長 松村 みちる 神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院 研究センター 研究員 (理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター 網膜再生医療研究開発プロジェクト (研究開始時)) 村田 友里 シンクサイト株式会社 応用研究部 研究員 寺西 一生 シンクサイト株式会社 事業開発部 プロダクトマネジャー 西田 幸二 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 脳神経感覚器外科学(眼科学) 主任教授 太田 禎生 シンクサイト株式会社 CSO 東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター 准教授 万代 道子 神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院 研究センター長 (理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター 網膜再生医療研究開発プロジェクト 副プロジェクトリーダー(研究開始時)) 髙橋 政代 神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院 研究センター顧問 (理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター 網膜再生医療研究開発プロジェクト プロジェクトリーダー (研究開始時))   ■ 論文情報 <タイトル> Label-free enrichment of human pluripotent stem cell-derived early retinal progenitor cells for cell-based regenerative therapies <著者名> Yasuaki Iwama, […]

ThinkCyte collaborates with joint research group to advance development of stem cell-based therapies

ThinkCyte today announced the publication of a paper in the January 4 issue of Stem Cell Reports on a method to improve pluripotent stem cell-based therapies for retinal degenerative diseases. Together with a joint research group led by Masayo Takahashi, Senior Advisor, Michiko Mandai, Director, and Yasuaki Iwama, Researcher, Research Center at Kobe City Eye Hospital, Sadao Ota, Associate Professor at University of Tokyo, and Hiroko Nomaru, Senior Research Scientist at ThinkCyte, the team describes the development of an approach to increase the purity of retinal progenitor cell (RPC) populations generated from human ES/iPS cells using Ghost Cytometry; an AI-driven, label-free, morphology-based cell sorting technology. The joint research began at […]

ThinkCyte to Present VisionSort Applications in Drug Screening at the 2024 Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) Annual Meeting

ThinkCyte to showcase VisionSort, the next-generation morphotypic cell analysis and sorting platform for drug screening, at the 2024 Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) Annual Meeting in Boston, MA from February 3rd-7th (Booth #753). ThinkCyte will deliver two oral presentations at the meeting: Tuesday, February 6th at 11:00 AM: Chief Business Officer Janette Phi, MBA will present “VisionSort: Fluorescence, morphometrics, and AI powering next generation cytometry for drug discovery & development”. Tuesday, February 6th at 4:30 PM: Senior Scientist Asako Tsubouchi, PhD will present “Flow-based high content intracellular phenotypic screening platform using Ghost Cytometry and DNA barcoding”.

ThinkCyte Launches Partnering Platform

ThinkCyte today announced the launch of its new partnering program for the biopharmaceutical and diagnostics industry. The program is designed to help accelerate research and development of novel therapeutics and artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches in life science. The program consists of three strategic arms; the Disease Profiling Platform, the Biopharma Platform, and the AI Platform, each designed to enhance collaboration with industry partners and advance fundamental new discoveries in healthcare. The Disease Profiling Platform offers partners the opportunity to co-develop assessment tools from liquid biopsies, such as disease measurement, treatment monitoring, therapeutic response prediction, and minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring with biopharmaceutical and diagnostics companies. The Biopharma Platform focuses on […]


‐ AI駆動型の次世代細胞分析分離装置のグローバル市場での販売を加速 ‐ AI駆動型のイメージ認識型高速セルソーティング技術であるゴーストサイトメトリー(以下、「GC技術」)の研究開発及び実用化を進めるシンクサイト株式会社(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役:勝田 和一郎)は、野村スパークス・インベストメント株式会社が資産の運用を受託している日本グロースキャピタル投資法人をリード投資家とし、下記の投資家を引受先とする約23億円の第三者割当増資を実施しました。この第三者割当増資と、本年9月に採択されたNEDOの助成金を合わせた今回の資金調達額は合計33億円となり、助成金を含めたこれまでの累計調達額は90億円となります。 ■ 資金調達の背景及び目的 当社は、2016年2月の設立以降、独自に開発したGC技術の研究開発を行ってきました。従来技術では、単一細胞から取得する情報量と分離スピードを両立させることが困難でしたが、革新的な高速イメージング技術と機械学習、マイクロ流体技術を融合したGC技術により、新たな細胞に関する研究が可能となり、革新的な治療や検査診断の実現に繋がります。本年6月には、GC技術を搭載した次世代細胞分析分離装置であるVisionSort™の販売を開始し、グローバル市場での営業・マーケティング活動を積極的に展開しています。既に米国の著名な研究機関への販売・納入を完了し、今後は更に多くの大手製薬企業・バイオテック企業や著名な大学・研究機関等への納入を予定しています。 今回の資金調達により、VisionSort™の量産体制の整備と、北米、欧州およびアジアにおける販売体制の強化を図り、グローバル市場でのGC技術の浸透を図っていきます。また、VisionSort™に続く製品や、新たなサービスの開発を進め、革新的な製品やサービスを継続的に市場に投入していく方針です。 ■ 引受先 リード投資家 日本グロースキャピタル投資法人( 新規投資家 三井住友信託銀行株式会社 豊田合成株式会社( 東京センチュリー株式会社( 個人投資家2名 既存投資家 ジャパン・コインベスト3号投資事業有限責任組合(運営者:三井住友トラスト・インベストメント株式会社、 テクノロジーベンチャーズ5号投資事業有限責任組合(運営者:伊藤忠テクノロジーベンチャーズ株式会社、 リアルテックファンド3号投資事業有限責任組合(運営者:合同会社リアルテックジャパン、 ■ シンクサイト株式会社 シンクサイトは、東京大学及び大阪大学で生まれた先端技術を元に、ライフサイエンス及び医療の発展と革新を目指すスタートアップ企業です。先端イメージング、機械学習、マイクロ流体等の異分野技術を組み合わせて、次世代型のイメージ認識型高速セルソーティング技術を開発しています。この基盤技術を用いることで、新しい再生・細胞医薬や医療検査診断、創薬を実現させ、革新的な治療や診断に貢献することを目指しています。2019年6月には、経済産業省よりJ-Startupの1社に認定されています。詳しくは、シンクサイトのウェブサイト(をご覧ください。 ■ 会社概要 社 名              シンクサイト株式会社 ThinkCyte K.K. 所在地              東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 代表取締役         勝田 和一郎 設 立              2016年2月 URL             ■ 報道関係のお問い合わせ先 シンクサイト株式会社 03-3868-2520 担当: 大月    

ThinkCyte Secures $24 million in Funding to Accelerate Growth

ThinkCyte today announced the successful completion of a funding round, raising $24 million USD (approx. JPY 3.3 billion) from both equity investments and a non-dilutive grant. Leading the investment were Nomura SPARX Investment, with participation from Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Tokyo Century, and Toyoda Gosei. Support also continued from existing investors, including Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Investment, Itochu Technology Ventures, and Realtech Fund. With this latest round, ThinkCyte’s total fundraising efforts have reached $76 million¹ (JPY 9 billion). “We are immensely thankful for our investors’ confidence in us. This endorsement fortifies our dedication to advancing innovative products and solutions for the life science community and strengthens our ability to keep developing […]

ThinkCyte and FIMM Establish Research Partnership to Advance Understanding and Treatment of Blood Cancer

ThinkCyte today announced a strategic research partnership with the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM-HiLIFE), University of Helsinki aimed at advancing the understanding of leukemia and its treatment. The research partnership leverages ThinkCyte’s new artificial intelligence (AI)-driven cell characterization and sorting platform, VisionSort, with FIMM’s world renowned biorepository of clinically annotated leukemia samples and expertise in drug screening, with the aim of uncovering new insights into how to treat leukemias and other hematological malignancies. “Blood cancers are a complex, heterogeneous set of diseases and while the treatment landscape has advanced in recent years, there is still a lot we don’t know,” said Caroline Heckman, Research Director at FIMM. “By combining ThinkCyte’s AI-based platform […]

Juntendo University, Sysmex, and ThinkCyte collaborate to advance the early detection and treatment of blood cancer

Juntendo University, Sysmex Corporation, and ThinkCyte K.K. have announced a collaborative research partnership to advance the early detection and treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). The joint research program aims to develop a sensitive diagnostic approach for blood cancers and deliver critical new cellular insights to advance the treatment of CML using Ghost Cytometry, ThinkCyte’s artificial intelligence (AI)-driven cell characterization and sorting technology. Under the partnership, the research teams will apply a novel approach that captures high-resolution information about the structure, shape, and size of cells (morphology) at high speed. By generating ‘morphometric signatures’ directly from CML patient samples, the research teams seek to identify, isolate, and characterize disease-driving cells. […]

ThinkCyte primed for continued growth as it expands with new Bay Area headquarters

ThinkCyte, a biotechnology company pioneering a novel artificial intelligence (AI)-based cell analysis, characterization, and isolation platform, today announced the relocation of its US headquarters to Redwood City, California to accommodate its rapid growth and leverage the areas diverse biotechnology resources. The new office will be housed in the Redwood Lab and Innovation Focused Environment (LIFE) complex, a purpose-built ecosystem for cutting-edge life science organizations. Serving as a global bridge between ThinkCyte’s corporate headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, the new office and lab space quadruples the company’s existing physical footprint in the US and supports its long-term growth strategy. With the recent launch of its flagship product, the VisionSort cell analysis and […]

ThinkCyte reveals VisionSort™, the world’s first dual mode, AI-driven cell characterization and sorting platform.

ThinkCyte, a biotechnology company pioneering novel artificial intelligence (AI)-based cell analysis, characterization, and isolation technologies, announced today that it will begin the commercial launch of its new cell sorting platform, VisionSort™. The launch coincides with the 2023 Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) conference in San Diego, CA from February 25-March 1, 2023 where VisionSort and its integrated Ghost Cytometry® technology were selected as finalists for Best New Product and Innovation Awards, respectively. The new ThinkCyte VisionSort is powered by Ghost Cytometry, an innovative AI-driven technology for characterizing and sorting cells based on their physical properties (morphology) and recognized by publication in the prestigious journal Science. It is the […]

ThinkCyte and Axcelead DDP collaborate to advance novel phenotypic drug screening methods

ThinkCyte and Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners (DDP) announced a research partnership focused on developing new approaches to screen candidate drugs for treating human diseases. The partnership will combine Ghost Cytometry, ThinkCyte’s AI-driven cell characterization and sorting technology, with Axcelead DDP’s phenotypic screening techniques* and its diverse compound library of over 1.5 million candidate drugs to evaluate how these compounds change cellular phenotypes (their form and function) in a disease setting.  Phenotypic drug discovery is a powerful method used in early therapeutic development and looks more broadly at how candidate drugs affect diseased cells compared to conventional target-based approaches. By combining Axcelead DDP’s world-class compound library and deep expertise in phenotypic […]

PhoreMost and ThinkCyte collaborate to advance AI-based drug discovery

PhoreMost Ltd. and ThinkCyte K.K. today announced a strategic research partnership aimed at advancing modern phenotypic drug screening using artificial intelligence (AI). The partnership leverages both companies’ distinctive technologies in high-throughput drug discovery, PhoreMost’s next-generation phenotypic screening platform, SITESEEKER®, and ThinkCyte’s AI-driven cell characterization and sorting platform, Ghost Cytometry®, with the aim of developing differentiated therapies for a range of diseases with unmet clinical need. Driven by advances in cell-based phenotypic screening tools and novel target discovery technologies, the power of Phenotypic Drug Discovery (PDD) lies in its unmatched ability to find completely new drug targets and disease mechanisms, providing not only new drug candidates, but a better understanding of […]

Vision Care Group and ThinkCyte Announce Research Alliance in Advanced Cell Therapy

Vision Care Group and ThinkCyte today announced a research partnership aimed at advancing cell therapy in retinal disease. The partnership combines Vision Care Group’s expertise in developing investigative cellular therapies with Ghost Cytometry, ThinkCyte’s artificial intelligence (AI)-driven label-free cell characterization and sorting technology. The partnership aims to improve manufacturing and pre-transplant testing for retinal cell therapy transplantation, leading to the development of cell-based therapies with superior therapeutic outcomes. The two companies have previously collaborated on technology research to increase the purity of target retinal cell populations using Ghost Cytometry-powered instruments. This partnership will develop a new approach for label-free classification and sorting of cell populations used for transplantation. Ghost Cytometry, […]

ThinkCyte announces Premier Early Access Program for its new label-free cell characterization and sorting system

ThinkCyte Inc., a biotechnology company pioneering novel cell analysis and sorting instruments, announced today the launch of their Premier Early Access Program and recruitment of participation from key biopharmaceutical industry partners and leading academic centers. The program will give a select group of innovation-minded life science organizations from across the globe advanced access to ThinkCyte’s new label-free platform for cell analysis and sorting. Through a combination of proprietary optical signals and artificial intelligence, the system provides researchers with an entirely new data readout of ‘single-cell fingerprints’ and enables the isolation of target cells, untouched by external labels, for downstream research and development. “We have seen tremendous excitement and interest in […]

ThinkCyte Establishes Presence in the Bay Area and Strengthens Senior Management Team With Industry Veteran

ThinkCyte Inc., a biotechnology company pioneering Ghost Cytometry, a proprietary AI-based, label-free cell sorting technology, today announced the establishment of their new US office in the San Francisco Bay Area and the appointment of Janette Phi as Chief Business Officer (CBO). Both are major milestones in the company’s continued global expansion and growth. The previous acting CBO, Hikaru Nagahori, has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and President of ThinkCyte, North America. The new location in San Carlos, CA is the company’s first office outside of its Tokyo headquarters and will be home to a growing team of biologists, data scientists, and commercial executives. Following recent announcements of strategic […]

ThinkCyte’s novel label-free in-silico ghost cytometry published in eLife

ThinkCyte Inc., a company focusing on the development of novel cell analytics and sorting platforms for applications in cell therapy, drug discovery, and clinical diagnostics, announced today the publication of their “in-silico ghost cytometry (iSGC)” technology in eLife. The study was led by Dr. Sadao Ota, associate professor at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo, and ThinkCyte’s co-founder and CSO. The same team previously reported on the novel ghost cytometry (GC) technique, which utilizes proprietary optical designs combined with artificial intelligence to enable high-throughput, high-content analysis and sorting of cells, in a recent article in Science. Compared to conventional flow cytometry and microscopy techniques, […]

ThinkCyte Secures $26 Million in Series B Financing

Funding will be used to advance the development of AI-based cell analysis and sorting platforms in cell therapy and diagnostics ThinkCyte, Inc., a company focusing on the development of novel cell therapy, drug discovery and diagnostic platforms, announced today the completion of a $26 million (JPY 2.85 billion) Series B financing, led by SPARX Group with participation from Sysmex Corporation and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Investment as well as existing investors, SBI Group and Itochu Technology Ventures. The company has raised a total of $45 million (JPY 4.9 billion) to date. “We are excited to welcome new investors, Sysmex and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Investment, and to have continued support from existing […]

Sysmex and ThinkCyte Agree on Joint Development and Capital Alliance

Commencing development of novel AI-based cell analyzers and testing techniques Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; Chairman and CEO: Hisashi Ietsugu) and ThinkCyte, Inc. (HQ: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Waichiro Katsuda) announced today the signing of joint development and investment agreements during May 2021 for the commercialization of an AI-based cell analysis technology. As healthcare becomes more precise and personalized at an accelerated rate – in tandem with the advancement of technology, development of novel testing and diagnostic technologies with high clinical value is being sought to increase the accuracy of diagnoses and optimize treatment. Meanwhile, digitalization is rapidly gaining pace in healthcare fields such as telehealth, AI-powered medical imaging analysis, […]

ThinkCyte and National Cancer Center Japan Jointly Awarded AMED Grant for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells

ThinkCyte, a company focusing on the development of novel cell therapy, drug screening, and clinical diagnostic platforms, and National Cancer Center Japan (NCCJ) have been jointly awarded a Development of Advanced Measurement and Analysis Systems grant from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) for the research and development of a high-accuracy method to isolate circulating tumor cells (CTCs) using Ghost Cytometry™ for genetic cancer profiling. Shinji Kosaka, M.D., Ph.D., Unit Leader of NCCJ, will lead the project in collaboration with Yoko Kawamura, Ph.D., Head of Applied Microfluidics of ThinkCyte. A liquid biopsy is a test conducted using a sample of body fluids, primarily blood, to detect cells […]

Hitachi and ThinkCyte Announce Collaboration to Develop an AI-driven Cell Analysis and Sorting System

Hitachi, Ltd (TSE: 6501, “Hitachi”) and ThinkCyte, Inc. (“ThinkCyte”) today announced that they have entered into a collaboration focused on developing an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven cell analysis and sorting system. Hitachi provides a broad range of solutions such as automated cell culture technologies to pharmaceutical companies in the value chain*1 of the regenerative medicine and cell therapy industry. Through the addition of this cell analysis and sorting system to the value chain, Hitachi continues contributing to cost reductions in the manufacturing of regenerative medicine and cell therapy products. Further, Hitachi and ThinkCyte are promoting collaboration with pharmaceutical companies and research institutes working in the field of regenerative medicine and cell […]

ThinkCyte Completes $15 Million Series A Financing

Financing accelerates the development of cell therapy and drug discovery platforms based on its proprietary image-based cell sorting system ThinkCyte, Inc., a company focusing on the development of novel cell therapy and drug screening platforms, today announced the completion of a US$15.3 million (JPY 1.65 billion) Series A financing, led by SPARX Group with participation from SBI Group, Itochu Technology Ventures, Inc. (ITV), and Fuyo General Lease. Existing investors Real Tech Fund and Osaka University Venture Capital also participated. This brings the total amount raised so far to US$18.5 million (JPY 2 billion.) “We are deeply grateful for the excitement and support our investors have expressed for our vision, technology, […]

ThinkCyte Selected for J-Startup Program

ThinkCyte was selected for J-Startup, a government-led initiative for supporting startups. “J-Startup” is a selective startup support program managed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan, and aims to cultivate promising startups to succeed in the world market and create new values with cutting-edge technology and business models. The selected companies are allowed to use various beneficial supports from the government and the private sectors, including an invitation to visit / exhibition tours to international events, business matching opportunities with major companies, financial support, and preferential application of the regulatory sandbox. With support from the J-Startup community, consisting of leading venture capitalists, business professionals, large corporations, and government […]

ThinkCyte Graduated Berkeley SkyDeck Cohort Program

In June, ThinkCyte joined the largest startup class to enter the Berkeley SkyDeck Cohort Program. Today, the company has graduated the program with six-months of formal training designed to help launch and grow ThinkCyte’s Ghost Cytometry technology, which is the world’s first high-throughput label-free, image-based cell sorting system that allows physical sorting based on high-content cell morphology. Founded in 2012, Berkeley SkyDeck is a joint program of the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, the College of Engineering, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. The program combines hands-on mentorship of traditional accelerators with the vast resources and networks of a research university. The cohort is highly selective […]

ThinkCyte Selected for the Inaugural Class of Google Launchpad Accelerator Tokyo

After rigorous screening, ThinkCyte and six other startup companies were selected to participate in an international mentor program hosted by Google. The program, called Google Launchpad Accelerator Tokyo, is an equity-free, three-month program with three boot camps in Tel Aviv, Silicon Valley, and Tokyo. Each boot camp brings together 20 mentors who advise on various parts of starting and leading a business, including goal management and product market fit. The goal is to help startup companies overcome business, technology, and organizational scaling challenges. For more on the program, see this website on Google Launchpad Accelerator.

ThinkCyte Publishes Paper on “Ghost Cytometry” Method in Science

In response to the growing demand for advanced single-cell identification and sorting system, ThinkCyte, Inc. has developed Ghost Cytometry™. The system combines a novel imaging technique with machine learning to identify and sort cells with unprecedented high-throughput speed. Until now, conventional methods to sort cells have been based on total fluorescence intensity. But with Ghost Cytometry single-cells are sorted based on images which means richer information content and more discerning algorithms. As Dr. Yoko Kawamura, ThinkCyte’s scientist says succinctly “A picture is worth a thousand numbers”. This week ThinkCyte announces a high-profile publication in Science validating the use of ThinkCyte’s novel Ghost Cytometry method to image and sorting cells in […]

ThinkCyte Completes Seed Financing

ThinkCyte, Inc., a company focusing on developing a high-throughput imaging-activated cell sorting system, today announced the completion of a US$3.2 million (JPY 350 million) seed-financing round. ThinkCyte’s novel Ghost Cytometry™ method uses a proprietary combination of ghost motion imaging, microfluidics, and machine-learning to image and sort single-cells. It is of use in a variety of medical, research, and therapeutic applications, such as identifying and extracting circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood. To date, the ThinkCyte has raised more than $5 million (JPY 550 million) including angel investments and grants. This round of financing includednew investors, Real Tech Fund, Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) and Osaka University Venture Capital. This […]