App Note

Gentle Label-Free Sorting of iPSCs with Maintenance of Viability and Quality

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are commonly used research tools for disease modeling, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine applications. Regenerative medicine relies on cells to create or induce regeneration of dysfunctional or damaged tissues and organs. For example, the generation of neural progenitor cells from iPSCs is a common and popular method for cell therapy research and ultimately clinical use in targeting neurodegenerative diseases. For both research and clinical applications, maintenance of iPSC viability following cell sorting is a major need. Conventional aerosol type cell sorters are the mainstream approach for collecting iPSCs, but have limitations. Due to the high external pressure exerted on cells during sorting, cells are typically damaged and undergo cell death, negatively affecting the quality of cells for downstream culture and analysis. To overcome these limitations, we used VisionSort, which uses gentle fluidic pressure for cell sorting and helps to preserve cell viability. Here we show application of the VisionSort platform to isolate human iPSCs while maintaining sorted cell integrity and quality.